Friday, January 17, 2014


Finally i can complete Jogress Quest of the strongest digimon in DMO, Omegamon. Like Alpha Ouryuuken Jogress Quest, this one also have the last quest that very hard, that you must defeat Armagedemon (Raid) that can summoned at Digimon Maze Entrance. Well below i list the explanation of Wargreymon quest:
-Lv70 Tamer
-Lv 41 Agumon with Wargreymon Slot unlocked
-Lv 41 Agumon with Victory Greymon Slot locked
-Digimon Maze Floor 3 room4 unlocked
-Digimon Maze Floor 3 room 2 unlocked

Finish all the quest below:
-Eliminate Keramon Leader in Terminal B2
-Go to Dr Akihiro Kurata at Yokohama Village
-Go back to Calumon at Dats Centre and complete its quest to defeat Infermon at Digimon Maze Floor 3.
-Go Back to Calumon at Dats Centre and complete its quest to get 1 item after defeat Armageddemon at Digimon Maze Entrance.
-Complete the quest from Omegamon to received jogress chip.


Ouryuumon is a new digimon that not appear in the Digimon TV Series. This digimon form like a Chinese's Myth  dragon and has two weapon. Ouryuumon in DMO is a Legendary Dragon king ( in Alphamon Oryuuken Jogress Quest) and can jogress with Alphamon to be Alpha Ouryuuken the 2nd Greatest Digimon in DMO. Below i liet the ability status of Ouryuumon 5/5 wit 12/12 Reinforcement:
HP 2980
DS 3050
CT 4%
Very perfect to make Ouryuumon to be your main Digimon because not only strong but Ouryuuon also can drived. So what are you waiting again? Go hatch it!!!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Queenchessmon (Royal)

Queenchessmon (Royal) is one of Boss (Raid) in the File Island Waterfront that give quit big experience quest in this map. Queenchessmon (Royal) quit strong, so i reccomend you to create a party to complete the quest. Of course if you got Jogress or Burst Mode lv 90 12/12 Reinforcement you can do it alone. This quest will help you level up fast if you do it daily with other quest in this map.
Below i list the status ability of Queenchessmon (Royal):
HP 98000
Attack 1800-2000 (depend on your digimon ability)
Experience get 2200000exp (quest) 15000 (Boss)
Item received 5 chicken combo, 1 Five leave flower white, 3 Black Cogwheel Fragment
Happy hunt Tamer!!


Alphamon is one of the strongest Mega Digimon at DMO. And more interesting it can jogress with Oryuumon to be Alphamon Oryuuken. It has F2 skill that has high damage 4700 damages ( if already reinforced to 12/12). But unfortunetly Alphamon 5/5 is very small and looked so funny, so i recommend you to buy Dorumon (Raptordramon) 4/5 & 5/5 from other tamer. Of course the price isn't cheap^^
Below i list the status ability of Alphamon 5/5 with reinforcement 12/12 (Attack & Evasion)
HP 4200
DS 4300
Attack 1200
Defense 295
CT 6%
Evasion 94%
So i believe you want to hatch Alphamon after see this article, if you don't have enough money to buy psilk egg you can get it by change attribute with Dorumon egg at Angewomon. Good luck for you all.


This is the first Boss(Raid) that you will face on the Silver Lake (also in File Island) Kuwagamon. For the beginning we are very hard to defeat it, especially for middle level tamer and with a standard digimon ( hasn't been reinforced). But after we reach high level tamer and digimon Kuwagamon (Raid ) will becomes so easy^^. Below i list the detail of Kuwagamon (Raid):
HP 13550
Attack 800-930
Experience get 750000exp(quest) 6800(boss)
Item get after defeat it Black Cogwheel Part, and chicken combo ( depend on attack ranking to the Raid)
So be prepare to do this quest daily so you can level up faster^^

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Are you aa tamer that already get Galantmon as your main Digimon? So thats mean it is the time to open its Burst Mode Galantmont Crimson Mode! Yes this is one of the coolest Burst Mode Digimon in DMO, and so does it's ability. To open it's Burst Mode you need Gungnir item that can bought in Shop Mall or other tamer ( open when Digimon level 65). So try to get it, but before get it preview it's ability:
Galantmon Crimson Mode (5/5 lv 90 12/12):
HP 4100
DS 4250
Attack 1300
Defense 290
Evasion 98% ( very hard to get hitted by enemy!!)
Block 12%
CT 350
So after look the ability of Galantmon Crimson Mode are you still don't want to hatch it? I believe you don't. So good luck to raise it!!


Galantmon is one of favourite digimon in DMO, many player want to hatch Guilmon then get Galantmon at Mega level. Some tamer got unlucky to get small Galantmon (3/5), and not few tamer also get cool Galantmon (Big, 4/5, 5/5). So how about its ability status? Is it strong? Yes it is quit strong digimon for Mega level, but it will stronger if you adjust its ability by using digiclon to 12/12 (max). I suggest you to increase Attack and Evasion. Below i listed the ability of Galantmon 5/5 lv 90 with 12/12 Reinforcement:

HP 2500
DS 2900
Attack 1100
Evasion 96%
CT 230
Block 5% (if you already get evasion 96% hard to get hitted by enemy)

So thats the information of Galantmon 5/5 lv 90 12/12 Reinforcement, are you interest to get it? Well if yes try to get it, and good luck for you ^^


Finally before you go to next map (File Island Waterfront) you must complete the main quest to defeat Boss/Raid in this map Ogremon (Raid). Its power so much better than Meramon (Raid) that you already meet before this quest. From the quest title you must be already know it "8 player reccomended", so this boss/raid not easy for defeat especially fo meddle level tamer.

So here i list the detail of Ogremon(Raid)
HP around 150000
Attack 1800-2000 (depend on our digimon level & status)
Experience get after complete 900000exp (quest) 5500exp(raid)
Item received chicken combo ( nominal depend on your attack ranking to raid) and black cogwheel part

This Ogremon (Raid) quest very help u to level up fast because give high experience daily, so keep do the quest guys!!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


The third place we visit in the File Island is Pre Historic Site. In this place you will earn a lott of experience from several quest that can make you and your digimon level up fast. But the related Boss Digimon not always return after been killed, you must wait some moments until it return again after being killed. The strongest and hardest Boss and quest here is to kill Giant Mystimon that has very high attack, that can kill middle tamer's digimon in 2 hit!!
So below i list the status of Mystimon Guardian of the Hills:
HP 39500
Attack 1800- 2100
Experience get 1200000exp(quest) 10000exp(boss)

You need to kill 10 of this Mystimon to complete the quest, so you better create a party to do the quest or you will definetly hard to complete this quest^^


The second place we visit in The File Island was Silent Forest. In this place we will get a lot of quest that must kill several Leader, Captain, and Boss Digimon ( new, different like Silver Lake). The hard to kill Boss here is Devimon ( Phantoms), Meramon, Ogremon, Soulmon, and Warumonzaemon. Will so much better if your digimon to reinforced/cloned, or you can ask your friend and guild member to party for complete all quest here.
Below some info about Boss Digimon at Silent Forest:
1. Devimon (Phantom)
 HP 12500
 Attack 400-440 (depend on our digimon status)
 Experience get 800000 exp(quest) 5000 (boss)

2. Meramon(Raid)
 HP 14800
 Attack 430- 950 (depend on digimon level/status)
 Experience get 850000 exp(quest) 5200(boss)

3. Ogremon(Raid)
 HP 16700
 Attack 500-1100( depend on digimon level/status)
Experience get 900000exp(quest) 6000(boss)

Happy Hunt Tamer!!


After D-Terminal B1 you will be able to continue Main Quest to Western Area. The second hard place that will make you spend a lot of money to upgrade your digimon, Western Area Dark Tower Wasteland. What make this place hard is we must kill enemy inside area that our digimon cannot digivolve ( like the Television Digimon Adventure 2).
Below the list of enemy that we must kill:
1. Wormmon (easiest)
 HP 1800
 Attack 120-150
 Experience get 1500 exp

2.Veemon (hardest)
 HP 3000
 Attack 280-310
 Experience get 3600 exp

From here we need to make our digimon strong by clon it ( talk with Commander at DATS Centre) then use clon D, clon C, clon B, and clon A to reinforce our digimon ability. Some advise you better increase Attack and Evasion into 12/12 to make your digimon powerful . After reach 12/12 your digimon will get red cyrcle aura.

D-Terminal B 1

In the middle of game (tamer level 25) you will go to first hard dungeon D-Terminal B 1 that contains digimon that has high attack and defense. For the first time you do the quest be sure to bring a lot of HP Disk and DS Disk. Will be better if you do the quest with your friend or your guild member.
Below some information for the Boss there
-Bearmon, Gotsumon Destroyer
 HP 5500
 Attack 100 -150
 Experience get 1500exp (not quest exp)

-Icedevimon (Last Boss/Last Quest)
 HP 7300
 Attack 150-260
 Critical 380
 Experience get 2700exp (not quest exp)

Alphamon Jogress Quest 2 ( Ouryuumon)

Now we arrive at part 2 the quest of Ouryuumon, this quest not as hard as Alphamon ( must kill 4 Dexdorugamon to get Anti A, B,C,D) but here you just must get 200 item from 200 Dexdorugreymon!!
Below the explanation:
1. Dats Centre, talk to Calumon then go to Snowstorm Village to talk with Calumon there
2.Snowman Village, kill Seadramon and get 1 related item from it then back to Calumon
3.Snowman Village, after get item from Calumon, the go to penguin area near Mammothmon then use the item , then back to Calumon.
4. Dats Centre, talk to Calumon, then go to Oil Refinery 3 and kill 200 Dexdorugreymon to get 200 related item, back to Calumon
5.Dats Centre, talk to Calumon, the talk to Omegamon.

Then try your Alphamon Oryuuken^^

Alphamon Jogress Quest 1 ( Alphamon)

After we reach Tamer Level 55 we can get jogress quest Alphamon ( after u hatch dorumon/raptor and oryuumon surely).The quest at the beginning was easy but the final one is so difficult, so you must ready 1 Tera (minimum) to buy Gate D service if you don't got a good guild of course. Below the explanation of the quest:
1. Dats Centre, talk to Calumon and then talk to Gallantmon at Infinite Ice Wall
2.Infinite Ice Wall, Talk to Gallantmon and defeat Skullgreymon and get 1 item related then back to Galantmon
3. Infinite Ice Wall, Search Leomon near Anubismon
4. Infinte Ice Wall, Kill Anubimon then back to Leomon
5.Dats Centre, talk to Calumon then get Gate A go to Western Outskirt. Use it and defeat Dorugoramon A to get Anti , like that until you get Anti A,B,C, and D. If you fail to get Gate B,C, or D you need to try from Gate A again.


I believe some of you already buy Mercenary Digiegg from Psilk, and then scan it get 3/5 digimon. Must be so angry to happen that, spend money to buy but not lucky to get 4/5 or 5/5 Digimon. I also like tht for the first time before i know the trick. The secret is just the place where you scan that psil egg, because i have experiment to scan some psilk egg and get different quality of mercenary digiegg.

Exactly it seems depends on your luck, but after i try to scan on some place i believe that place is place to hatch good quality of mercenary digiegg. So i will tell you that secret, the place to scan psilk digiegg is "OIL REFINERY 2" i scan my veemon, guilmon, ryudamon, dorumon in Oil Refinery 2 and i got minimal 4/5 Mercenary Digiegg.

Below is my result of experiments:
Dats Centre : 3/5 60%, 4/5 30%, 5/5 10%
Yokohama Village:  3/5 60%, 4/5 30%, 5/5 10%
Western Village : 3/5 50%, 4/5 35%, 5/5 15%
Snowstorm Village: 3/5 50%, 4/5 35%, 5/5 15%
Oil Refinery 2 : 3/5 25%, 4/5 40%, 5/5 35%

So try it, and you will get the same result with me ^^


Hello guys, are you feel hard to hatch 4/5 or 5/5 Mercenary Digimon? I feel like that to at the beginning, but now feel enjoy it. Now i got 2 5/5 Mercenary Digimon ( Ryudamon & Dorumon/Raptordramon) and other 4/5 ( Guilmon, Agumon Classic, and Veemon). Well first lets talk about RNG, i'm sure some of you know of it but bear with me.

RNG is Random Number Generator. It is responsible for all the randomness and "luck" that happens in every games. DMO has been programmed with RNG for hatching egg, they gave certain percent for hatch 5/5 mercenary digimon (for examples it give 30% success to get 3/5 hatch ). The problem is we don't know the percentage of hatch in every stage .

But the senior who already played this game for a long time said:
to 1/5 stage wait 1 second
to 2/5 stage wait 3-4 seconds
to 3/5 stage wait 4-5 seconds
to 4/5 stage wait 5-8 seconds
to 5/5 stage wait 8-30 seconds

I already try and once get 4/5 stage when hatch dorumon but fail to 5/5. So it is really depends to your own luck.


Welcome to XDIGITALMENX blog, we are the new guild in the Beelzemon Server that opens in 6 January 2014 contains very active players. I myself very happy to see the very quick increasement of this guild that increase 580 levels in 1 week only. Thank you very much to all the members that contribute so much for this guild.

After i see the good progress of this guild, i decide to make a page to unite all guild member. So i make this blog in hope to make guild member to be close each other. Not like other guild that contains majority of the same country, region, or city, XDIGITALMENX contains people of all around the world. With this Guild Blog let's share each other, and communicate to complete hard quest or defeat Boss in dungeon.

MASTER               :         Edward899
GUILD BIRTH      :          6 January 2014
MEMBER              :         50 Players
SERVER                :         Beelzemon